33 research outputs found

    Undefinability in Inquisitive Logic with Tensor

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    Logics based on team semantics, such as inquisitive logic and dependence logic, are not closed under uniform substitution. This leads to an interesting separation between expressive power and definability: it may be that an operator O can be added to a language without a gain in expressive power, yet O is not definable in that language. For instance, even though propositional inquisitive logic and propositional dependence logic have the same expressive power, inquisitive disjunction and implication are not definable in propositional dependence logic. A question that has been open for some time in this area is whether the tensor disjunction used in propositional dependence logic is definable in inquisitive logic. We settle this question in the negative. In fact, we show that extending the logical repertoire of inquisitive logic by means of tensor disjunction leads to an independent set of connectives; that is, no connective in the resulting logic is definable in terms of the others.Peer reviewe

    Topological Semantics for da Costa Paraconsistent Logics Cω and C*ω

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    In this work, we consider a well-known and well-studied system of para-consistent logic which is due to Newton da Costa, and present a topological semantics for it

    Topological semantics for da Costa paraconsistent logics Cω and C*ω

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    In this work, we consider a well-known and well-studied system of paraconsistent logic which is due to Newton da Costa, and present a topological semantics for it

    Discussion: The Axiomatization of Classical Mechanics

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    Definable Terms and Primitives in Axiom Systems

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    On the Lattice of Antichains of Finite Intervals

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    A Logic with Progressive Tenses

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    A Study of Subminimal Logics of Negation and Their Modal Companions

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    We study propositional logical systems arising from the language of Johansson's minimal logic and obtained by weakening the requirements for the negation operator. We present their semantics as a variant of neighbourhood semantics. We use duality and completeness results to show that there are uncountably many subminimal logics. We also give model-theoretic and algebraic definitions of filtration for minimal logic and show that they are dual to each other. These constructions ensure that the propositional minimal logic has the finite model property. Finally, we define and investigate bi-modal companions with non-normal modal operators for some relevant subminimal systems, and give infinite axiomatizations for these bi-modal companions